1-Year Old Program

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  • Ratio: 7:2 (1 teacher, 1 helping parent)

  • An additional support teacher is not included in the ratio above

  • 2-3 mornings per week, depending on preference

  • Hours: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The 1-Year Old Program offers a 2-day class on Tuesday/Thursday and a 3-day class on Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. Children who are 1-year old by August 31, but not yet 2, may participate in either the 2-day or 3-day class.  Each 1-year old class is open to six children.

The 1-year old program provides a gentle introduction to a small group environment. Daily activities follow a similar daily schedule and include free play in the classroom, a short gathering time with songs and movement, outside play on our adventurous playground, and an allergy-friendly snack. During the day, children have many opportunities to exercise gross and fine motor skills, explore social relationships, integrate verbal communication into their interactions, and broaden their sensory skills.